Our Philosophy

Goals of our Systems Approach

1. To work collaboratively with key stakeholders to achieve systems-level change that results in improving the delivery and coordination of health and social/community- based programming.


2. To develop preventative systemic solutions that result in increasing the social and health well-being of adults, youth, children, families and communities.


3. To create systemic change that results in improving services, programs, and policies in ways that are responsive to the diverse needs of individuals by considering multiple intersecting identify factors such as gender, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, religion, age, mental or physical disability.


4. To serve as a backbone organization that creates, implements and supports systems-level change that results in sustainable change and capacity-building.


5. To build on the work captured in the evaluation framework developed within different government sectors and community organizations with the goal of evaluating the effectiveness of systems-level change to improve health and social service programs; the achievement of better social and health outcomes for adults, youth, children, families and communities; and the delivery of social and health services in sustainable ways.


6. To test collaborative stakeholder-driven systems-level solutions through strategically launched pilots, complete with evaluation and monitoring, refining and continuous learning with the goal of moving to the next stage of scaling up and expanding the innovation across the system.